Terms & Conditions

Review Metti Bank's Terms & Conditions and Privacy policy to ensure informed use of our digital banking services, promoting a clear, secure banking experience.

Terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions

Valid as of Feb 12, 2024

This User Agreement (“Agreement”) is a contract between you and MettiBank, LLC. (“Company”) and applies to your use of Metti Bank products andservices and any other Metti Bank features, technologies, and/orfunctionalities offered by Company on our website in the Metti Bank app orthrough any other means (the “Metti Bank Services”). The Metti Bank Servicesare provided to you subject to this Agreement as well as our Privacy Policy(“Privacy Policy”) which is available at Privacy Policy and isincorporated in this Agreement by this reference.


You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is between you and Company, not with any third party (including, but not limited to, Apple®, Google®, or any mobile carrier), and that Company is solely responsible for the Metti Bank Services. Your use of the Metti Bank Services may be subject to separate agreements you may enter into with your mobile device operating system provider (e.g., Apple, Google or Microsoft®), your mobile device manufacturer (e.g., Apple, Samsung®), your mobile service carrier(e.g., AT&T® or Verizon®), and other parties involved in providing your mobile device service. Third party operating system providers such as Apple,Google, and Microsoft, your phone or other mobile device manufacturer, your wireless carrier or other network provider, any other product or service provider related to your mobile device service are collectively referred to as“Covered Third Parties.” You agree to comply with all applicable third party terms of agreement when using the Metti Bank Services. Company is not a party to those agreements and has no responsibility for the products and services provided by third parties.

Please note that Company has opened its MettiBank application programming interface (“API”), so you may be subject to agreements with third parties when using a service that was not created byCompany. Company has no liability or responsibility for your use of these third-party services.

  2. Terms for Metti Bank Services

Metti Bank Digital Codes/Credit Disclaimer – Metti Bank is not a financial institution, Money Service Bureau (MSB), nor is it a licensed provider of money transfer services. Metti Bank is a “Digital Top Up Service Provider” that allow its users to purchase Metti Bank pre-paid digital code/credits which can only be used, spend and or redeemed as store credits to conduct transactions within MettiBank’s closed-loop network only.   And as part of Metti Bank’s refund policy you the user have the right to a refund of any unused Metti Bank codes/credits you may have purchased.  You agree and acknowledge that your unused Metti Bank codes/credits can only be refunded on a pre-paid debit cardissued by Metti Bank and or one of Metti Bank’s affiliated in app partners only and a service fee of $2.99 will be charged as part of Metti Bank’s refund policy.

Metti Bank is the owner/operator of a software technology that allow its users to purchase Metti Bank’s Metti Bank digitalcode/credits to trade within Metti Bank’s closed looped marketplace only andcommunicates user instructions to its peers, vendors and financialinstitutions.  All digital cash code equivalent credits associated with anaccount is held as store credits in an Metti Bank pooled escrow account withits financial institution. These digital cash code credits are not eligible forindividual insurance, including FDIC insurance and are not eligible for shareinsurance by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR OPENING A METTI BANK ACCOUNT: Although Metti Bank is not a moneytransmitter service or a financial institution we are aware that certain users(bad actors) may attempt to misuse Metti Bank’s Metti Bank Codes/Credits forillicit purposes so to help combat terrorism financing and anti-moneylaundering (AML), Metti Bank will maintain a comprehensive anti-moneylaundering compliance program; maintain transaction records; and reportsuspicious Metti Bank activities.  And as part of this compliance policywe will follow the USA PATRIOT Act which requires us to obtain, verify, andrecord information that identifies each person who opens an Metti Bank Account.

WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: When you open a Metti Bank Account, we will ask foryour name, address, date of birth, and your government ID number. Wemay also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying information. Metti Bank activation and identity verification required before you canuse the Metti Bank Account. If your identity is partially verified, full use ofthe Metti Bank Account will be restricted, but you may be able to use the MettiBank for certain transactions only. Restrictions include: no card issuance,international transactions and limited loads. Use of Metti Bank Account is alsosubject to fraud prevention restrictions at any time, with or without notice.

See disclosures in sitefooter for additional information and for disclosures that Company isrequired to post by certain jurisdictions. Company has no responsibility forthe actions of your transfer recipient or for the subject of the transfer. Wedo not guarantee the identity of any user of the Metti Bank Services or that asender or a recipient can or will complete a transaction.

  1. Eligibility and Account Registration

To be eligible to use the Metti Bank Services,you must create and have a valid Metti Bank account, be 18 years or older andcreate an account with a cellular/wireless telephone number that you own. Youmay also initiate account registration by connecting with your Facebook®account, however, we will still need additional information to create youraccount. As further detailed in our Privacy Policy, in order to register,create and use an account, Company may require that you submit certain PersonalInformation (as defined in the Privacy Policy), including but not limited toyour name, email address, text-enabled cellular/wireless telephone number,street address or zip code, date of birth, and social security number to Company.During the registration process, or when you access the Metti Bank Servicesfrom a phone, your phone’s device ID is also stored. You agree that thePersonal Information you provide to Company upon registration and at all othertimes will be true, accurate, current and complete, and you agree to maintainand update this Personal Information with us as necessary.

  1. Types of Accounts

We offer two different types of accounts,personal and business accounts. You may have only one personal account. Personalaccounts are for use in person-to-person transfers with friends and family, andother people whom you know. Personal accounts may also be used to makeAuthorized Merchant Payments as described in this Agreement. Some features ofpersonal accounts may be limited based on how you wish to use the Metti BankServices, how much you need to send or spend and what we know about you. We mayrequire that you provide more information in order to complete a transaction.Personal accounts may not be used to receive business, commercial or merchanttransactions.

For each business you are involved with, you mayhave only one business account. Business account use is limited. Businessaccounts must be applied for and explicitly authorized. By opening a businessaccount and accepting the terms as outlined in this Agreement, including, butnot limited to, the Rules and Restrictions for Business Accounts set forthbelow, you attest that neither you nor your business is establishing a businessaccount primarily for personal, family or household purposes. We may reverse orplace a hold on your transactions or place a reserve on your funds if you arein breach of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, if you are using apersonal account for business purposes or a business account for personal,family or household purposes.

  1. Identity Authentication

You hereby authorize Company, directly orthrough third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validateyour identity and/or authenticate your identity and account information and,for business accounts, your company or employer. This may include asking youfor further information and/or documentation about your account usage oridentity, or requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your emailaddress, wireless/cellular telephone number or financial instruments, andverifying your information against third party databases or through othersources. This process is for internal verification purposes.

  1. Transaction History

You have the right to receive an accountstatement. You may view your account statement by logging into your Metti Bankaccount.

Errors or Questions about Transactions.​ Please contact us by emailing us at info@mettibank.com (1) if you believe a transaction receiptor a statement is wrong, or (2) if you need more information about atransaction on the receipt or statement. For consumer accounts, we must hearfrom you no later than sixty (60) days after we sent you the first statement onwhich the error or problem appeared. For business accounts, we must hear fromyou within one (1) business day of us sending you a receipt. Your inquiry mustinclude: (x) your name, email associated with your account, and your accountnumber (if available); (y) a description of the error or the transaction youare unsure about, and a clear explanation of why you believe there is an erroror why you need more information; and (z) the dollar amount of the suspectederror. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your inquiry viaemail within ten (10) business days.

  1. Sending Metti Bank
  2. Sending Limits

We may, at our discretion, impose limits on the number oftransactions you conduct through the Metti Bank Services. Please see our Fee Sheet for more details onlimits. If we have authenticated your identity, we may increase yourtransaction limits. These limits may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion. You may not send Metti Bank to your own account.

  1. Default Load Sources

Your Metti Bank balance consists of the digitalcredits you have in your Metti Bank account that are available for newtransactions and are not subject to pending transactions.

When you make a payment through the Metti BankServices, we first see if your Metti Bank balance can cover the transaction.You may also be able to fund your Metti Bank with a bank account, debit card orcredit card, designating one of these to be your primary funding source.

We always use your Metti Bank balance first ifthe balance is sufficient to cover your payment. If there is not enough MettiBank available in your Metti Bank balance to cover the transaction, we use yourdesignated primary funding source to make the payment in its entirety. Thisfunding source may differ depending on the type of payment you are making.

If you don’t want to use your balance, you canwithdraw it at any time. If your balance is not used within 30 days we mayremind you to withdraw funds or return the funds to your attached bank account.

iii. Funding Source Limitations

In order to manage risk, Company may limit thefunding sources available for your use to fund any particular transaction. Forexample, we may limit your funding sources for a particular transaction todebit cards or your checking account.

Please note that the various funding sources have differentdispute resolution rights and procedures in the event your transaction turnsout to be unsatisfactory. Your dispute resolution rights are determined by thefunding source used to fund your transaction. Please see our FAQ Help Center for moredetails

  1. Bank Transfers

When your checking account is used as yourfunding source, you are requesting that we initiate on your behalf anelectronic transfer from your bank account. For these transactions, Companywill make electronic transfers (via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) ofNACHA – The Electronic Payment Association (“NACHA”)) from your bank account inthe amount you specify. You agree that such requests constitute yourauthorization to Company to make the ACH transfer, and once you have providedyour authorization for the transfer, you will not be able to cancel theelectronic transfer and Company may resubmit any ACH debit you authorized thatis returned for insufficient or uncollected funds, except as otherwise providedby NACHA’s ACH rules (collectively, the “ACH Rules”), or applicable law.

ACH Authorization for Transactions​:

Single Transaction Authorization: “I authorize MettiBank to debit the account indicated for the amount noted on today’s date. Iwill not dispute Metti Bank debiting my account, so long as the transactioncorresponds to the terms in this online form and my agreement with Metti Bank.”

ACH Recurring Transaction Authorizations: “I authorize Metti Bankto debit the account indicated for the recurring transactions according to theonline form and my agreement with Metti Bank. I will not dispute Metti Bank solong as the transactions correspond to such terms. This payment authorizationis valid and will remain effective unless I cancel this authorization byemailing Metti Bank at info@mettibank.com at least 3 business days in advance.”

  1. Refused and Refunded Transactions

When you send money, the recipient is notrequired to accept it. You agree that you will not hold Company liable for anydamages resulting from a recipient’s decision not to accept a payment madethrough the Metti Bank Services.

If a recipient of funds is not a Metti Bank userand does not register for the Metti Bank Services, Company will return yourfunds in 30 days. If the recipient does not register, set up an email addressor mobile number and accept the transfer within 30 days, the transaction willbe canceled. During this period, a hold will be placed on your account for theamount of the transfer and the applicable fee, if any. Once the recipient hassuccessfully registered as a Metti Bank user, transfers will automatically bedebited from your account and credited in the recipient’s account. We willreturn any unclaimed, refunded or denied payment within 30 days of the date youinitiate payment. If a payment is unclaimed, denied or refunded for any reason,we will return the Metti Bank to your balance or to the original fundingsource.

  1. Debit Card Processing

Company will process your debit card-fundedtransactions through either the debit card’s ATM debit network or theVisa/MasterCard network, as Company may elect at its discretion.

vii. Credit Card Information

If your credit card account number changes or yourcredit card expiration date changes, we may acquire that information from ourfinancial services partner and update your account accordingly.

viii. Fees for Sending Metti Bank

You may use the Metti Bank Services for a fee.  Fees aredebited by Metti Bank balance, bank account, or debit card.  Pleasesee here for moreinformation on fees. These fees may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion. You may be subject to third party fees, such as insufficient fundfees, reversal fees, or ACH insufficient fund fees that a bank may charge ifyour payment is rejected.

  1. Payment Investigation

Payment investigation is a process by whichCompany reviews certain potentially high-risk transactions. If a payment issubject to payment investigation, Company will place a hold on the payment andmay provide notice to the recipient. Company will conduct a review and eitherclear or cancel the payment. If the payment is cleared, Company will provide noticeto the recipient. Otherwise, Company will cancel the payment and the funds willbe returned. Company will provide notice to you by email and/or in the accounthistory tab of your Metti Bank account if the payment is canceled.

  1. Risk of Reversals, Chargebacks and Claims

When you receive a payment, you are liable toCompany for the full amount of the payment plus any fees if the payment islater invalidated for any reason. This means that, in addition to any otherliability, you will be responsible for the amount of the payment, plusapplicable fees if you lose a claim or a chargeback, or if there is a reversalof the payment. If a sender of a payment later disputes the payment or files aclaim for a chargeback, the debit or credit card issuer or the originatingbank, not Company, will determine whether the dispute is valid and to whompayment is due. You agree to allow Company to recover any amounts due toCompany by debiting your balance. If there are insufficient funds in yourbalance to cover your liability, you agree to reimburse Company through othermeans. If Company is unable to recover the funds from your primary fundingsource, Company may attempt to contact you, Company may recover the funds fromyour alternate funding sources, or may take other legal actions to collect theamount due, to the extent allowed by applicable law.

  1. Account Balances
  2. Balances

You do not need to maintain a balance in youraccount in order to make payments. If you do hold a balance, Company will holdyour funds separate from its corporate funds, will not use your funds for itsoperating expenses or any other corporate purposes, and will not voluntarilymake your funds available to its creditors in the event of bankruptcy. Whileyour funds are in our custody, Company will combine your funds with the fundsof other users and place those pooled accounts in one or more bank accounts inCompany’s name.

Company is not a bank or other chartereddepository institution. Funds held by Company or its service providers(including any bank service providers) in connection with the processing oftransactions are not deposit obligations and are not insured for the benefit ofthe user by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmentalagency. Funds held in balance are an ancillary function of enabling Metti Banktransmission and not for other benefit.

  1. Assignment of Interest to Company

You agree that you will not receive interest orother earnings on the funds that Company handles and places in pooled accounts.Company does not typically receive interest on funds held for its users.However, in consideration for your use of the service, you irrevocably transferand assign to Company any ownership right that you may have in any interestthat may accrue on funds held in pooled accounts. This assignment applies onlyto interest earned on your funds, and nothing in this Agreement grants Companyany ownership right to the principal of the funds you maintain with Company.

iii. Negative Balances

If the balance in your account is negative forany reason, Company may set off the negative balance by deducting amounts youowe Company from Metti Bank you receive into your account, or Metti Bank youattempt to withdraw or send from your account. You agree to allow Company torecover any amounts due to Company by debiting your balance. If there areinsufficient funds in your balance to cover your liability, you agree toreimburse Company through other means. If Company is unable to recover thefunds from your primary funding source, Company may attempt to contact you,Company may recover the funds from your alternate funding sources, or may takeother legal actions to collect the amount due, to the extent allowed byapplicable law.

  1. Setoff of Past Due Amounts

If you have a negative balance or other past dueamount to Company, Company may make attempts on your funding source to coverthe amounts. If Company is unable to recover the funds from your primaryfunding source, Company may attempt to contact you, Company may recover thefunds from your alternate funding sources, or may take other legal actions tocollect any amounts that are more than 14 days past due, to the extent allowedby applicable law.

  1. Security Interest

To secure your performance of this Agreement,you hereby grant to Company a lien on and security interest in your account andagree to execute any further documentation to perfect these Company rights.

  1. Withdrawing Metti Bank
  2. How to Withdraw Metti Bank

You may withdraw Metti Bank from your Metti Bankaccount by electronically transferring them to your Metti Bank Issued DebitCard account. We may provide limited withdrawals to bank depending on whatproduct is enabled and approved on your account. Metti Bank does offer theability to access funds via ATM or at retail locations.

  1. Withdrawal Limits

Please see our HelpCenter here for more details on limits, including any applicablewithdrawal limits. We reserve the right to delay withdrawals while we screenfor risk, or request you provide additional information to verify your identityand we may limit the amount you can withdraw until the information is verified.

iii. Transfers to Your Linked Financial Institution Accounts

When you transfer Metti Bank from your MettiBank balance to your linked financial institution account(s), the ACH Ruleswill govern the transfer.

  1. Closing Your Account
  2. How to Close Your Account

As long as there are no pending or in progresstransactions, you may close your account at any time. You may close youraccount by logging into your account from a web browser, clicking on the“Settings” tab, clicking on the “Cancel my Metti Bank Account” link, and thenfollowing the instructions; however, you must withdraw your balance prior toclosing your account. Closing your account will cancel the Metti Bank Cardassociated with your account, if any.

  1. Limitations on Closing Your Account

You may not close your account to evade apayment investigation. If you attempt to close your account while we areconducting an investigation, we may hold your funds for up to 180 days toprotect Company or a third party against the risk of reversals, chargebacks,claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability. You will remain liable forall obligations related to your account even after the account is closed.

  1. Item Hold

Company, in its sole discretion, may place ahold on a payment you receive for a transaction when Company believes there maybe a high level of risk associated with the transaction. If Company places ahold on your payment, it will show as “pending” in your Metti Bank account.

  1. Release of Item Hold

Company will release the payment hold after 21days unless we receive a dispute, claim, chargeback, or reversal on thetransaction subject to the hold. Company may release the hold earlier if thesender of funds provides us confirmation, Company is able to confirm properdelivery, or Company otherwise completes its investigation.

  1. Additional hold period

If you receive a dispute, claim, chargeback, orreversal on the transaction subject to the item hold, Company may hold thepayment in your account until the matter is resolved pursuant to thisAgreement.

  1. Account Hold and Reserves

For high volume accounts, including businessaccounts, Company may, in its sole discretion, place a reserve on funds held inyour account when it believes there may be a high level of risk associated withyour account. If your account is subject to a reserve, Company will provide youwith notice specifying the terms of the reserve. The terms may require that acertain percentage of the amounts received into your account are held for acertain period of time, or that a certain amount of Metti Bank is held inreserve, or anything else that Company determines is necessary to protectagainst the risk associated with your account. Company may change the terms ofthe reserve at any time by providing you with notice of the new terms.

  1. Termination

Upon termination of this Agreement for anyreason, we have the right to prohibit your access to the Metti Bank Services,including without limitation by deactivating your username and password, andcancelling your Metti Bank Card (if any), and to refuse future access to the MettiBank Services by you or if a business entity, its parent, affiliates orsubsidiaries or its or their successors.

  1. Rules  and Restrictions for Personal Accounts

The following Rules and Restrictions forpersonal accounts apply to your use of a personal account under this Agreement.

  1. Receiving     Metti Bank

Please see HelpCenter here for more details on limits, including limits on receivingand sending money. These limits may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion.

  1. Transaction     Fees for Receiving Metti Bank

Please see here formore details on fees. These fees may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion.

iii. Error in Receiving Metti Bank

In the event of an error, you give Companypermission, subject to Company’s compliance with applicable law, to makeappropriate corrections by debiting or crediting your Metti Bank balance, ordebiting or crediting your primary or alternate funding sources as applicable.

  1. Account     Errors

If your account history shows transfers you didnot make, follow the procedures outlined in Section D.11 of this Agreement.

  1. Rules and Restrictions for Business Accounts

The following Rules and Restrictions forBusiness Accounts apply to your use of a business account under this Agreement.

  1. Receiving Metti Bank

Except as may be otherwise provided by applicable law, there is nopre-set limit to the amount of funds you can receive using the Metti BankServices. There are limits on the amount you may send using Metti BankServices. There are also limits on the amount you can withdraw. Please seeour Help Center here formore details on limits, including limits on receiving and sending money. Theselimits may change from time to time in Company’s sole discretion and therequirements to lift those limits may vary based on product usage.

  1. Error in Receiving Metti Bank

In the event of an error, you give Companypermission, subject to Company’s compliance with applicable law, to makeappropriate corrections by debiting or crediting your Metti Bank balance, ordebiting or crediting your primary or alternate funding sources as applicable.

iii. Credit Authorization

If you open a business account, you areproviding us with written instructions and authorization in accordance with theFair Credit Reporting Act to obtain your personal and/or business credit reportfrom a credit bureau. You are also authorizing us to obtain your personaland/or business credit report: (a) when you upgrade your personal account to abusiness account, or at any time we reasonably believe there may be anincreased level of risk associated with your account. An increased level ofrisk includes, but is not limited to, a high number of chargebacks orreversals, or suspicious activity associated with your account.

  1. Representations

If you are a business entity, you represent thatyou are duly authorized to do business in the United States; and youremployees, officers, representatives, and other agents accessing the Metti BankServices are duly authorized to access the Metti Bank Services and to legallybind you to this User Agreement and all transactions conducted under yourusername and password.

  1. Authority     of Officers and Employees

If you are a business entity, you agree that allofficers, employees, agents, representatives and others having access to theusername and/or password shall be vested by you with the authority to use the MettiBank Services and to legally bind you. You shall be responsible for all actionsby current and former officers, employees, agents, representatives and others,regardless of whether authorized by you, that access the Metti Bank Servicesusing your username and password. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK FOR THEFRAUDULENT, UNAUTHORIZED OR OTHERWISE IMPROPER USE OF YOUR PASSWORD. WE SHALLBE ENTITLED TO RELY ON THE GENUINENESS AND AUTHORITY OF ALL INSTRUCTIONSRECEIVED BY US WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY SUCH PASSWORD, AND TO ACT ON SUCHINSTRUCTIONS.

  1. Authorized Merchant Payments

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, you mayuse your Metti Bank account to pay for goods or services only via certainmobile websites or applications offered by merchants that have been approved byCompany to offer Metti Bank as a payment option (such payments being“Authorized Merchant Payments”). If available, the option to pay using your MettiBank account will appear on an approved merchant’s mobile site or in its app asa Metti Bank-branded payment button offered during the checkout process or, insome cases, may appear if you first select Metti Bank as your payment method onthe merchant’s mobile site. Payments sent via the Metti Bank app or Metti Bank.comto another Metti Bank user do not qualify as Authorized Merchant Payments.Similarly, if you are charged via the Metti Bank app or Metti Bank.com andaccept the charge, this is not an Authorized Merchant Payment. If the option topay using your Metti Bank account appears after you first select Metti Bank asyour payment method on the merchant’s mobile site, those transactions aregoverned by the Metti Bank User Agreement, Metti Bank Privacy Policy and other MettiBank specific terms and conditions, rather than Metti Bank’s terms andconditions.

  1. Fees for Authorized Merchant Payments

While you are responsible for the amount of anyAuthorized Merchant Payment, Company will not charge you any fees for usingyour Metti Bank account to complete an Authorized Merchant Payment, regardlessof how the payment was funded. Company may elect to implement and alterAuthorized Merchant Payment fees from time to time in its sole discretion. Youmay be subject to third party fees, including, without limitation, insufficientfund fees, reversal fees, or ACH insufficient fund fees that a bank may chargeif your Authorized Merchant Payment transaction is rejected.

  1. Funding Authorized Merchant Payments

Your Metti Bank account balance will be used tomake Authorized Merchant Payments when the balance is sufficient to cover theentire payment amount. If your balance is not sufficient to cover the entirepayment amount, your default backup payment method will be used to fund theentire payment amount instead. Authorized Merchant Payments will not be splitbetween your Metti Bank account balance and a backup payment method. You willbe asked to select a default backup payment method at the time you enableAuthorized Merchant Payments. You may decline to select a default backuppayment method. If your balance is insufficient to cover an Authorized MerchantPayment and you have not selected a default backup payment method, or if yourbackup payment method is invalid or insufficient, your transaction will bedeclined. You can set or change your default payment method for AuthorizedMerchant Payments in the Banks & Cards section of your Metti Bank accountsettings.

iii. Linking Your Metti Bank Account to an Authorized Merchant

When you use Metti Bank to make an AuthorizedMerchant Payment, you may be given the option to link your Metti Bank accountto the merchant (and if you choose, to set it as the default payment method forthat merchant). Use caution when linking your Metti Bank account to a merchant.Once linked, that merchant will have the ability to charge your linked MettiBank account for future purchases in accordance with your agreement with themerchant.

By linking your Metti Bank account to a merchantor otherwise using Metti Bank to make an Authorized Merchant Payment, youauthorize Company to facilitate Authorized Merchant Payments using (i) your MettiBank account balance (when sufficient to cover the entire payment) and (ii)your default backup payment method (when your Metti Bank account balance is notsufficient to cover the entire payment).

When you link your Metti Bank account to amerchant, you authorize the merchant to charge your Metti Bank account balance(and your default backup payment method when your balance is insufficient tocover the transaction amount) for all Authorized Merchant Payments made withthat merchant, in accordance with your agreement with the merchant. If you nolonger wish to have your Metti Bank account linked to a merchant (for example,you no longer wish to make purchases at a particular merchant, or you areconcerned that someone may have unauthorized access to your Metti Bankaccount), you can disconnect your Metti Bank account from that merchant in theConnected Merchants section of your account settings via the Metti Bank mobileapp. If you disconnect your Metti Bank account from a merchant, you may stillowe the merchant Metti Bankfor the purchase or have additional obligations tothe merchant for any goods or services that you receive but have not paid for.

Once disconnected from a merchant, you will notbe able to conduct Authorized Merchant Payments with that merchant unless youre-link your Metti Bank account to that merchant.

  1. Logins and Security

Depending on the merchant, once you’ve connectedyour Metti Bank account, you may be asked to log into Metti Bank and/or toprovide your Touch ID or PIN (if enabled) before you will be able to complete apurchase. To enable Touch ID or PIN on iOS, go to go to Settings > Touch ID& PIN. To enable PIN on Android, go to Settings > Security Settings.

  1. Authorized Merchant Payment Limits

We impose limits on the total amount of Authorized MerchantPayments you can make using your Metti Bank account. Please see our Help Center here for moredetails on limits. These limits may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion.

  1. Sharing Authorized Merchant Payments

Authorized Merchant Payments will not be sharedwith others on your Metti Bank social feed unless you choose to share. If youelect to share an Authorized Merchant Payment and your default audience settingis public or friends, that setting will control who sees the payment. If youelect to share an Authorized Merchant Payment and your default audience settingis private, the payment will be shared with your Metti Bank friends. You canchange your default audience setting in the privacy section of your Metti Bankaccount settings. You can change the audience setting for any AuthorizedMerchant Payment you have already shared by selecting it from your Metti Banksocial feed and changing the audience setting.

vii. Payment Authorizations and Processing Delays

When you make an Authorized Merchant Payment,you are providing the merchant with an authorization to process your payment.Your payment will be held as pending until the merchant processes it, which maynot occur immediately depending on the merchant. In such cases, yourauthorization will remain valid for up to thirty (30) days, and we may place atemporary hold on the funds in your Metti Bank account for the payment amount.In addition, for payments to certain merchants, we or the merchant may requestan authorization for what is estimated to be the final payment amount. Thisestimate may exceed the actual payment amount. For example, a merchant mayrequest an authorization for an estimated service fee and for a tip, and that estimatemay be higher than what you ultimately pay. In such cases, we may place atemporary hold on the funds in your Metti Bank account for the estimatedpayment amount. We will release any temporarily-held funds that exceed theactual payment amount within thirty (30) days of the payment. Until released,the funds subject to any hold will not be available to you.

viii. Authorized Merchant Payment Protection


When you make an Authorized Merchant Payment youmay be covered by the Authorized Merchant Payment Protection program. Whenapplicable, Authorized Merchant Payment Protection entitles you toreimbursement for the full purchase price of the item purchased plus theoriginal shipping costs you paid, if any. When you submit a claim, Companydetermines, in its sole discretion, whether the claim qualifies for AuthorizedMerchant Payment Protection using the eligibility guidelines below. Company’sdetermination is considered final, but you may be able to appeal the decisionif you have new or compelling information not available at the time of theoriginal determination or you believe there was an error in the decision-makingprocess.

You may be required to return the item to theauthorized merchant or other party specified by Company as part of thesettlement of the claim. Authorized Merchant Payment Protection does notentitle you to reimbursement for return shipping costs that may be incurred.

Authorized Merchant Payment Protection may applywhen you encounter these specific problems with an eligible Authorized MerchantPayment transaction:

  • INR (“Item Not Received”): You didn’t receive the item     from the authorized merchant
  • SNAD     (“Significantly Not as Described”): You received item, but the item     differs significantly from what you ordered.

Note that these claims are different thanUnauthorized or Error claims, which are handled according to Section D.11 ofthis Agreement.


You must meet all of the following requirementsin order to be eligible for protection:

  • The transaction must qualify as an Authorized Merchant     Payment.
  • The Authorized Merchant Payment was made to purchase an     eligible item.
  • You have previously attempted to resolve the issue     directly with the merchant.
  • Have a Metti Bank account in good standing.
  • Respond to requests for documentation and other     information in a timely manner.
  • File a dispute with Company within 180 days of the date     the Authorized Merchant Payment was made.
  • You     have not received reimbursement related to the purchase from another     source.

Ineligible Items

Only Authorized Merchant Payments are eligiblefor protection. The following payment, claim and transaction types are,however, not eligible for protection under any circumstances:

  • Any payment made using Metti Bank that does not qualify     as an Authorized Merchant Payment (including, without limitation, any     payment you make or charge you accept using the Metti Bank app or Metti     Bank.com).
  • Real estate, including residential property.
  • Buying or investing in a business.
  • Investments in gold or financial products.
  • Donation payments.
  • Vehicles, including, but not limited to, motor     vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats.
  • Significantly Not As Described claims for custom-made     items.
  • Payments on crowdfunding platforms.
  • Items or transaction types prohibited in this     Agreement.
  • For Item Not Received claims, items which you collect     in person or arrange to be collected on your behalf, including items     bought in an authorized merchant’s store location.
  • Industrial machinery used in manufacturing.
  • Anything purchased from, or an amount paid to, a     government agency.
  • Stored value items such as gift cards and prepaid     cards.
  • Gambling,     gaming and/or any other activity with an entry fee and a prize.

Even if your purchase is not eligible forAuthorized Merchant Payment Protection, you can try to resolve the issuedirectly with the authorized merchant.

INR (Item Not Received) Claims

Your claim will not qualify for AuthorizedMerchant Payment Protection if:

  • You collect the item in person, or arrange for it to be     collected on your behalf, including purchases made at an authorized     merchant’s store location.
  • Company     has adequate proof from the authorized merchant indicating that the item     was delivered or order was fulfilled.

If the merchant presents evidence that theydelivered the goods to your address, Company may find in favor of the merchanteven if you did not receive the goods.

SNAD (Significantly Not as Described) Claims

In order to qualify for Authorized MerchantPayment Protection as a result of a Significantly Not as Described claim, theitem must be materially different from the authorized merchant’s description ofthe item.

The following claims will qualify as a SignificantlyNot as Described claim:

  • You received a completely different item (e.g., you     purchased a book and received a DVD or an empty box).
  • The condition of the item was misrepresented (e.g., the     item was described as “new” but the item was used).
  • The item was advertised as authentic but is not     authentic (i.e., counterfeit).
  • The item is missing major parts or features and those     facts were not disclosed in the description of the item when you bought     it.
  • You purchased multiple items but order received was     incomplete.
  • The     item was damaged during shipment.

The following claims will not qualify as aSignificantly Not as Described claim:

  • A defect in an item was correctly described by the     authorized merchant in its description of the item.
  • The item was properly described but you didn’t want it     after you received it.
  • The item was properly described but did not meet your     expectations.
  • The     item has minor scratches and was described as “used.”

Authorized Merchant Payment Protection Claim Process

If you’re unable to resolve an AuthorizedMerchant Payment related issue directly with an authorized merchant, you canfile an Authorized Merchant Payment Protection claim with Company using thesteps described below. If you do not follow these steps, your claim may bedenied.

Step 1: File a claim by emailing or calling anagent at 1 (855) 865-6821 within 90 days of the date you made the AuthorizedMerchant Payment. Please include information on the Authorized Merchant Paymentyou’re disputing and the reason for your claim, including: the date and amountof purchase, the authorized merchant’s name, and an explanation of your issue.

Step 2: Respond to Company’s requests fordocumentation or other information. Company may require you to providereceipts, photographs, police reports or other documents that Companyspecifies. You must respond to these requests in a timely manner as requestedin our correspondence.

Step 3: Comply with Company’s shipping requestsin a timely manner. If you file a SNAD claim Company may require you, at yourexpense, to ship the item back to the authorized merchant, to Company, or to athird party specified by Company and to provide proof of delivery. Proof ofdelivery means:

  • Confirmation that can be viewed online and includes the     delivery address showing at least city/state or zip code, delivery date,     and the identity of the shipping company you used.
  • For     transactions that total $500 U.S. dollars or more, you must provide     signature confirmation of delivery.

Step 4: Company will make a final decision onthe claim, in its sole discretion, based on the coverage and eligibilityrequirements set forth above, any additional information provided during theclaim process, and any other information Company deems relevant and appropriateunder the circumstances. You may appeal the decision if you have new orcompelling information not available at the time of the original determinationor you believe there was an error in the decision-making process.


You may dispute an Authorized Merchant Paymentwith your card issuer if you used a debit or credit card to fund yourAuthorized Merchant Payment. Your rights with the card issuer may be broaderthan those available under the Authorized Merchant Payment Protection plan andyou may be able to recover amounts even if you don’t qualify for AuthorizedMerchant Payment Protection.

You must choose to either pursue a claim withCompany under the Authorized Merchant Payment Protection program or pursue adispute with your card issuer. You cannot do both and cannot recover funds fromboth Company and card issuer. If you submit a claim to us and file a chargebackrelating to the same transaction with your card issuer, we’ll deny and closeyour claim with us. Similarly, if you pursue a dispute with your card issuer,you cannot pursue a claim with us later.

If you submit an Authorized Merchant PaymentProtection claim with Company and we deny the claim, you can seek to pursue adispute with your card issuer. If Company does not make a final decision onyour claim until after your card issuer’s deadline for filing a dispute, andbecause of our delay you recover less than the full amount you would have beenentitled to recover from the card issuer, we will reimburse you for the remainderof your loss minus any amount you have already recovered from the authorizedmerchant or your card issuer.

Before filing a dispute or claim with eitheryour card issuer or Company, you should contact the authorized merchant toattempt to resolve your issue.

Other payment methods may provide you withadditional protection or other benefits that you will not receive if you useyour Metti Bank account to make a purchase. Please consider this when choosingwhether to use your Metti Bank account for Authorized Merchant Payments.

  1. Unauthorized     Activity

If you become aware of a payment that you didnot authorize, please follow the procedures outlined in Section D.11 of thisAgreement.

  1. Questions

If you have any questions regarding Authorized Merchant Payments,please contactus. Learn more about Authorized Merchant Payments here.

  1. Using     Metti Bank with Apple’s Siri or iMessage

You may use certain Metti Bank Services viaiMessage and Siri on iPhones running iOS 10 or higher on which the Metti Bankapp has been installed. Such use is subject to Apple’s applicable terms andconditions for use of iMessage and/or Siri and the terms of this Agreement,including, without limitation, those set forth below.

If you choose to use Siri or iMessage to sendpayments via Metti Bank, you must permit Metti Bank to integrate with iOS, andyou authorize Metti Bank to share some of your Metti Bank account data(including your friends list, list of persons you have transacted with mostrecently and most frequently, transaction instructions and transaction notes)with Apple to allow it to facilitate transaction requests made through Siri oriMessage on iOS. Data shared with Apple will be used pursuant to Apple’sthen-current user agreements and privacy policies.

You can grant or revoke Apple’s access to MettiBank on iOS at any time under the “Siri” or “iMessage” settings on your iPhone.

  1. Using     Metti Bank in iMessage

Unlike most payments sent with Metti Bank, a MettiBank payment sent via iMessage must be accepted by a recipient with a MettiBank account before that payment can be added to the recipient’s Metti Bankbalance. When you send a payment in iMessage, the recipient will be prompted totap a link to accept the funds. Payment recipients do not need iOS 10 or aniPhone, but their device must have the ability to receive text messages fromyou and be able to access the internet. In addition, the recipient must have a MettiBank account in order to accept the payment. If a recipient without a MettiBank account attempts to accept funds, he or she must create a Metti Bankaccount first.

When you send a payment in iMessage, the paymentwill leave your Metti Bank account immediately, but it will not be added to therecipient’s Metti Bank balance until he or she accepts the payment. Paymentssent via iMessage will appear in your Metti Bank social feed.

If a payment sent in iMessage is not acceptedwithin three (3) days, it will be canceled automatically. You may cancel apayment sent via iMessage any time prior to it being accepted by going toIncomplete in the Metti Bank app menu, selecting the relevant payment andcancelling it.

When a payment initiated via iMessage iscanceled, the funds will be returned to the original funding source for thepayment. If the payment was funded via your Metti Bank balance, the paymentwill be returned to your balance. If the payment was funded by a credit ordebit card, the payment will be returned that card. It may take up to thirty(30) days for the returned payment to be applied by your card issuer. You cancontact them directly for specific timeframes. If you funded a payment via bankaccount, the payment will be returned to that account. Bank transfers initiatedbefore 7 PM Eastern Time on business days will typically be available in yourbank account the next business day (Monday through Friday, excluding bankholidays). Bank transfers could be delayed or blocked if we identify an issue.You will be notified via email should this occur. Bank transfers will not bedeposited on weekends or holidays.

You can view the status of a payment sent viaiMessage by going to Incomplete in the Metti Bank app menu or by tapping thepayment note in iMessage.

You may also initiate a charge request iniMessage. Any charge request not accepted within three (3) days will becanceled automatically.

You cannot use Metti Bank to initiate a paymentor charge request in iMessage group conversations.

  1. Payments     via Siri

Payments sent using Siri are similar to otherstandard payments sent in the Metti Bank app. Once initiated, the payment willleave your Metti Bank account and be made available to the recipient as soon asyou confirm the payment. You’ll also be able to see the payment in your MettiBank social feed.

Siri can only be used to pay or request paymentfrom persons on your Metti Bank friends list, those who are Metti Bank friendswith your Metti Bank friends and your “top people” on Metti Bank, which you cansee in the Metti Bank app when you tap to initiate a payment. The top peoplemay include those who are not your friends on Metti Bank so long as you havetransacted with them previously.

When initiating a Metti Bank payment or chargerequest on Siri, you must specify the name of the individual Metti Bank useryou are seeking to pay or charge. Siri cannot be used to send payments to emailaddresses, phone numbers or Metti Bank usernames. If you’re trying to send apayment to someone that’s not showing up while using Siri, you may be asked toproceed to the Metti Bank app so that you can find the recipient and proceedwith the transaction.

To initiate a Metti Bank payment using Siri,please use one of the following formats: “Pay [name of friend] [amount] dollarson Metti Bank for [payment note],” or “Metti Bank [name of friend] [amount]dollars for [payment note].”


Hey Siri, pay Keith $5 on Metti Bank for coffee.

Hey Siri, Metti Bank Isabel $100 for groceries.

Prior to completing any Metti Bank transactionthrough Siri, Siri will show you an overview of your proposed payment orrequest and ask you to confirm the transaction details. If everything iscorrect, you can say “yes” or “send” or tap send on the confirmation screen toinitiate the transaction. If any details are not correct, you need to changesomething, or have changed your mind, you can just say “no” or tap “cancel” onthe confirmation screen, Siri will discard the proposed payment or request.

You can grant or revoke Siri’s access to MettiBank at any time under Siri settings on your iPhone.

You cannot use Metti Bank to initiate paymentsto multiple persons in a single transaction through Siri.

iii. Audience Settings for Transactions in iMessage and Siri

When sending or requesting a payment viaiMessage, the audience setting for the transaction will be the default audiencesetting (public, friends or participants only) for your Metti Bank account. Youcan change your audience setting for any individual Metti Bank transactionwhile in iMessage prior to confirming and submitting your transaction details.You can also change your default audience setting in the privacy section ofyour Metti Bank account settings.

When sending or requesting a payment using Siri,the audience setting for the transaction will be the default audience setting(public, friends or participants only) for your Metti Bank account. You will beshown your default audience setting on the confirmation screen for the transactionbut you will not be able to change your audience setting during the transactionthrough Siri. If you want to change your default audience setting during atransaction on Siri, you will need to cancel the transaction and change yourdefault audience setting in the privacy section of your Metti Bank accountsettings.

You can change the audience setting for any MettiBank transaction conducted through iMessage or Siri after it has been completedby selecting the transaction from your Metti Bank transaction feed and changingthe audience setting for the transaction.

  1. Logins     and Security

You must be logged into Metti Bank in order toaccess the Metti Bank Services using iMessage and/or Siri. If enabled, you willalso need to provide Touch ID or PIN for Metti Bank before you will be able tocomplete a transaction using Siri or iMessage. To enable Touch ID or PIN for MettiBank on iOS, go to Metti Bank Settings > Touch ID & PIN. Metti Banktransactions cannot be made from a locked iOS device.

  1. Modifications;     No Liability for Third Party Materials

We may add, change, suspend or eliminate any orall Metti Bank Services available via iMessage and/or Siri at any time, with orwithout notice. Company has no liability or responsibility for any errors orother issues with Siri, iMessage, iOS or any other third party software, deviceor service that may impact your ability to use the Metti Bank Services.

  1. Questions

If you have any questions about using Metti Bank with iMessageand/or Siri, you can learn more here.

  1. Metti     Bank Card

As part of the Metti Bank Services, you may beoffered the opportunity to apply for a Visa-branded, prepaid debit card (the “MettiBank Card”) via a designated website or the Metti Bank app. The Metti Bank Cardis linked to your Metti Bank account, funded by your Metti Bank account balanceand allows you to make purchases at merchants in the United States that acceptVisa cards.

  1. Issuance     of the Metti Bank Card

The Metti Bank Card is issued by Various Banks(the “Bank”) and your use of the card will be subject to the Bank’s CardholderAgreement available at on site footer (the “Cardholder Agreement”), aswell this Agreement. The Cardholder Agreement is entered into by and betweenyou and the Bank. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement andthe Cardholder Agreement, the Cardholder Agreement shall govern your use of theMetti Bank Card and your relationship with the Bank to the extent of suchconflict.

  1. Automatic     Reloads; Authorization to Debit Your Linked Bank Account

Metti Bank Card transactions are funded solelyby your Metti Bank account balance. To ensure that your balance is sufficientto cover Metti Bank Card transactions, we’ll automatically add funds to (or“reload”) your Metti Bank balance by transferring Metti Bank from your appaccount whenever your balance is less than the transaction amount. We cannotreload your Metti Bank balance using a linked credit or debit card. You cannotopt-out of automatic reloads at this time. In order to use the Metti Bank Card,you must link a bank account to allow for balance reloads.

Metti Bank establishes a set, default amount foreach reload (currently $10). The default amount (or a multiple thereof) will betransferred from your linked bank account to your Metti Bank balance each timea reload is required to complete a Metti Bank Card transaction. To the extentmultiple reloads are required to complete a transaction, we’ll reload your MettiBank balance with a multiple of the reload amount. Metti Bank may alter thedefault reload amount from time to time.

For example:

Single Reload – You have $0 in your Metti Bankbalance and attempt to make a $8 Metti Bank Card purchase. The default reloadamount is $10. Since the purchase amount exceeds your balance by $8, anautomatic reload to your Metti Bank balance is triggered in the default amountof $10. This brings your account balance to $10 and allows you to complete the$8 transaction, leaving $2 in your Metti Bank balance. Your bank statement willshow a corresponding $10 transfer to Metti Bank. The $2 that remains in yourbalance can be used for future Metti Bank transactions.

Multiple Reloads – You have $12 in your MettiBank account and attempt to make a $100 Metti Bank Card purchase. The defaultreload amount is $10. Since the purchase amount exceeds your current balance by$88, an automatic reload to your Metti Bank account is triggered. A singledefault reload of $10, however, would not allow you to complete thetransaction. Instead, we reload a multiple of the default reload amount asnecessary to complete the transaction. In this case, it would take 9 reloads of$10 to complete the transaction ($10 x 9 = $90). Metti Bank would combine thenine reloads into a single $90 reload, bringing your account balance to $102.This allows you to complete the $100 transaction and leaves $2 in your balance.Your bank statement will show a corresponding $90 transfer to Metti Bank (asthe nine required reloads were combined into a single reload transaction). The$2 that remains in your balance can be used for future Metti Bank transactions.

By using the Metti Bank Card, you herebyauthorize Metti Bank to automatically debit your linked bank account for thedefault reload amount (or multiple thereof) as necessary to complete anytransaction conducted using your Metti Bank Card. You further agree that once areload transfer from your bank account has been initiated, you will not be ableto cancel the transfer and that Metti Bank may resubmit any reload transferthat is returned for insufficient or uncollected funds, except as otherwiseprovided by the ACH Rules or applicable law. You may be subject to third partyfees, such as insufficient fund fees, reversal fees, overdraft or other feesthat a bank may charge if your reload transfer is rejected.


If you delete your bank account from Metti Bank,we will not be able to reload your Metti Bank account balance and any MettiBank Card transaction that exceeds your available balance will be declined. Wemay disable your Metti Bank Card at the time you remove your linked bankaccount.

iii. Metti Bank Card Limits

We impose limits on the total amount of transactions you canconduct using your Metti Bank Card. Please see our Help Center here for more details on MettiBank Card limits. These limits may change from time to time in Company’s solediscretion, subject to applicable law.

  1. Audience     Settings for Metti Bank Card Transactions

When you visit the Metti Bank app followingcompletion of a Metti Bank Card transaction, you will be offered theopportunity to share your transaction on the Metti Bank social feed. You canchoose to share the transaction with all Metti Bank users by selecting thepublic audience setting or you can limit your sharing to your Metti Bankfriends by selecting friends as the audience setting. You can change theaudience setting for any Metti Bank Card transaction by selecting thetransaction from your Metti Bank transaction feed and changing the audiencesetting for the transaction.

  1. Privacy     and Data Sharing

By applying for and using the Metti Bank Card,you authorize Company, the Bank, and their mutual service provider, ShiftFinancial Inc. (“Shift”) to share your Metti Bank account and personalinformation with one another as necessary to provide Metti Bank Card relatedservices. You further authorize Company to use Metti Bank Card program relatedinformation provided by the Bank (or Shift on behalf of the Bank) to providecustomer service, service your Metti Bank account and/or Metti Bank Card,investigate and act on Metti Bank account and/or Metti Bank Card relatedclaims, as necessary to comply with applicable law, and as otherwise permittedby our Privacy Policy. By applying for and using the Metti Bank Card, you willalso be subject to additional data sharing terms and conditions as provided forin the Cardholder Agreement.

  1. Modifications

We may add, change, suspend or eliminate any orall Metti Bank Card related features and services at any time, with or withoutnotice, subject to applicable law. We may terminate your access to any or all MettiBank Services, including the Metti Bank Card, in the event you violate theCardholder Agreement or any other agreement in force between you and Company orits affiliates.

vii. Authorized Merchant Payment Protection and Metti Bank CardTransactions

Metti Bank Card transactions shall be consideredAuthorized Merchant Payment transactions for purposes of Metti Bank’sAuthorized Merchant Payment Protection policy and will be eligible for coverageunder the policy subject to its terms and conditions. See Section B.1.p.viii(entitled Authorized Merchant Payment Protection) for details.

viii. Lost or Stolen Metti Bank Card; Unauthorized Metti Bank CardTransactions

Contact Company at once if you believe your MettiBank Card or PIN has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised, or if youbelieve an electronic transfer has been made using the information from your MettiBank Card or PIN without your permission. You can call us at 1-855-865-6821 oremail us at cardsupport@Metti BankLiquidCash.com. You can also send awritten notice to Metti Bank, LLC., Attn: Metti Bank Error ResolutionDepartment at 9191 Bolsa Ave, Suite 211, Westminster, CA 92683. Youcan also temporarily disable your Metti Bank Card at any time. Disabling your MettiBank Card will not impact any transactions conducted prior to the time the cardwas disabled. We may suspend or cancel your Metti Bank Card and/orcorresponding Metti Bank account in the event of excessive reports of card lossor theft.

Please see the Cardholder Agreement foradditional information, including information regarding your potentialliability for unauthorized transactions.

  1. Metti     Bank Card Identity Verification Process

If you are offered the opportunity to apply forthe Metti Bank Card and proceed to apply, you will be subject to the Bank’sapproval criteria, which includes successful identity verification. If you areunable to pass the Bank’s identity verification procedures, you will not be eligibleto receive a Metti Bank Card. In addition, you may be subject to separateidentity verification by Company, and/or Company may suspend or terminate youraccess to the Metti Bank Services.

  1. Support

If you have any questions about your Metti BankCard, you can call us at 1 (800) 927-4592 or email us at card support@MettiBank.com.

  2. Third     Party Operating System Providers, Phone Manufacturers, and Wireless     Carriers

The Metti Bank mobile application works on anapplication linked to a particular device and operating system, such as Apple’siOS operating system. Company is solely responsible for providing maintenanceand support services for the Metti Bank Services. Covered Third Parties have noobligation to provide maintenance or support services for the Metti BankServices.

Covered Third Parties have no warranty obligations whatsoever withrespect to the Metti Bank Services and any other claims, losses, liabilities,damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure of the Metti BankServices to conform to any warranty provided by Company, if any, will beCompany’s sole responsibility.

Company, not any Covered Third Parties, isresponsible for addressing any claims relating to the Metti Bank Services,including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claimthat the Metti Bank Services fail to conform to any applicable legal orregulatory requirement; (iii) claims arising under consumer protection orsimilar legislation; and (iv) intellectual property claims. Please see theContact Us section below for how to contact Company.

If you are using the Metti Bank Services on anApple device, you acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries,are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and that Apple will have theright (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this Agreementagainst you as a third party beneficiary. Such rights may also accrue to otherhandset manufacturers and operating systems which participate in the Services.

  1. Services     via SMS or Mobile Data

The Metti Bank Services allow you to send andreceive payments through your mobile phone via SMS or mobile data plan. If youuse the Services on your mobile phone, you are responsible for any fees thatyour phone service provider charges for SMS, data services, etc. Your phoneservice provider is not the provider of the Metti Bank Services.

  2. Notices     to You

You agree that Company may provide notice to you by posting it onour website (including but not limited to our User Agreement, and Policy Updates documents), or ifwe have your email address or street address, by emailing it to the emailaddress listed in your account or mailing it to the street address listed inyour account. Such notice shall be considered to be received by you within 24hours of the time it is posted to our website or emailed to you unless wereceive notice that the email was not delivered. If the notice is sent by mail,we will consider it to have been received by you three Business Days after itis sent. Company’s Business Days include all days on which the New York FederalReserve Bank is open for business. We may also provide notice when you accessthe Metti Bank Services.

You acknowledge and agree that we will providethe notice to you in accordance with our Consent to Receive ElectronicDisclosure Policy. If you do not consent or at any time withdraw your consentto receive electronic notices from us, we reserve the right to close youraccounts.

  1. Business     Days

“Business Days” means Monday through Friday,excluding Holidays. “Holidays” means New Year’s Day (January 1), Birthday ofMartin Luther King, Jr. (the third Monday in January), Washington’s Birthday(the third Monday in February), Memorial Day (the last Monday in May),Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day (the first Monday in September), ColumbusDay (the second Monday in October), Veterans Day (November 11), ThanksgivingDay (the fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).If aHoliday falls on a Saturday, Company shall observe the Holiday on the priorFriday. If the Holiday falls on a Sunday, Company shall observe the Holiday onthe following Monday.

  1. Notices     to Company

Notice to Company must be sent by postal mailto: Metti Bank, LLC., Attention: Legal Department, 9191 Bolsa Ave, Suite 211, Westminster, CA 92683.

  1. Calls     to You

By Providing Company a telephone number(including a wireless/cellular telephone), you consent to receiving autodialedand prerecorded message calls from Company at that number should the needarise. However, we will never call you for promotional purposes.

  1. Metti     Bank Websites

The Company’s Metti Bank websites may featurethird party offers and enable product searches. Company does not warrant thatproduct descriptions, pricing, search results, user ratings and reviews or anyother content on Company websites is accurate, complete, reliable or current.This information is provided for informational purposes only and does notconstitute an endorsement by Company of any product, service or vendor.

  1. Intellectual     Property

“Metti Bank.com”, “Metti Bank”, and all relatedlogos, products and services described in our website and mobile applicationsare either trademarks or registered trademarks of Company or its licensors. Youmay not copy, imitate or use them without Company’s prior written consent. Inaddition, all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts areservice marks, trademarks, and/or trade dress of Company. You may not copy,imitate, or use them without our prior written consent. You may use HTML logosprovided by Company through our vendor services, SMS tools, promotional toolsor affiliate programs without prior written consent for the purpose ofdirecting web and SMS traffic to the service. You may not alter, modify orchange these HTML logos in any way, use them in a manner that is disparaging toCompany or the Service or display them in any manner that implies Company’ssponsorship or endorsement. All right, title and interest in and to the MettiBank website and any content thereon is the exclusive property of Company andits licensors.

Certain other product or service names, brandnames and company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

  1. Taxes

It is your responsibility to determine what, ifany, taxes apply to the payments you make or receive, and it is yourresponsibility to collect, report and remit the correct tax to the appropriatetax authority. Company is not responsible for determining whether taxes applyto your transaction, or for collecting, reporting or remitting any taxesarising from any transaction.

  1. Privacy

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please reviewour Privacy Policy inorder to better understand our commitment to maintaining your privacy, as wellas our use and disclosure of your information.

If you receive information about another MettiBank user through the Metti Bank Services, you must keep the informationconfidential and only use it in connection with the service. You may notdisclose or distribute a Metti Bank user’s information to a third party or usethe information for marketing purposes unless you receive the user’s expressconsent to do so.

  1. Children’s     Privacy

Protecting the privacy of young children isespecially important. For that reason, we do not knowingly collect or solicitpersonal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow anyoneunder 18 to register for the Metti Bank Services. If you are under 13, pleasedo not send any information about yourself to us, including your name, address,telephone number, or email address. No one under age 13 is allowed to provideany personal or payment information to us through the Metti Bank Services. Ifwe learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information asquickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from orabout a child under 13, please contact us at the information provided below inthe “Contact Us” section.

  1. Loss     or Theft of Account Information, PIN, and Mobile Device

If you believe that any of your Metti Bankaccount registration information, PIN or mobile device containing the MettiBank App has been lost or stolen, or if your account history shows transfersthat you did not make, immediately contact Company via the Contact Usinformation below or by email to support@Metti BankLiquidCash.com.

  1. Resolution Procedures for Unauthorized Transactions and     Other Errors
  2. Protection     for Unauthorized Transactions and Other Errors

The following terms and conditions apply withrespect to all Metti Bank Services other than the Metti Bank Card. For provisionsregarding unauthorized card transaction or other card errors, please see theCardholder Agreement. You can also call us at 1-855-865-6821 or email usat cardsupport@Metti BankLiquidCash.com for Metti Bank Card relatedsupport.

When an Unauthorized Transaction (defined below)or Other Error (defined below) occurs in your account, including UnauthorizedTransactions that occur because your Metti Bank mobile-activated phone has beenlost or stolen, Company will cover you for the full amount of every eligibleUnauthorized Transaction or Other Error as long as you follow the proceduresdiscussed below.

An “Unauthorized Transaction” is a type of errorthat occurs when Metti Bank is sent from your account that you did notauthorize and that did not benefit you. For example, if someone steals yourpassword, uses the password to access your account, and sends a payment fromyour account, an Unauthorized Transaction has occurred. However, if you givesomeone access to your account (for example, by giving them your logininformation) and they conduct transactions without your knowledge orpermission, you are responsible for any resulting use. Such transactions arenot considered Unauthorized Transactions.

In addition, “Other Errors” occur when Metti Bankis either incorrectly credited to your account or incorrectly debited from youraccount, or when transactions are incorrectly recorded in your account. OtherErrors that are covered by Company are limited to the following events: (i) ifyou send a payment and we debit an incorrect amount from your account; (ii) ifwe credit an incorrect amount to your account; (iii) if a transaction ismissing from or not properly identified in your account statement; and (iv) ifthere is a computational or mathematical error by Company. Routine inquiriesabout your balance or the status of a pending transfer into or out of youraccount are not considered Unauthorized Transactions or Other Errors unless youexpressly notify us of an Unauthorized Transaction or Other Error in connectionwith the transfer. Requests for information for tax or other recordkeepingpurposes and requests for duplicate documentation also are not deemed to beUnauthorized Transactions or Other Errors. You may request documentation orinformation regarding your account or transaction to determine whether anUnauthorized Transaction or Other Error exists by contacting us through the“Contact Us” link on the Metti Bank website.

  1. Notification     Requirements

You should immediately notify Company if youbelieve:

  1. There has been an Unauthorized Transaction,     unauthorized access to your account, or the occurrence of an Other Error;
  2. There is an error in your transaction history or your     transaction confirmation sent to you by email;
  3. Your password has been compromised;
  4. Your Metti Bank mobile-activated phone has been lost,     stolen or deactivated; or
  5. You     need more information about a transaction listed in your transaction     history or transaction confirmation email.

To be eligible for 100% protection for UnauthorizedTransactions sent from your account, you must notify us within 60 days afterany Unauthorized Transaction or Other Error first appears in your accountstatement. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the account statement wasmade available to you, you may not get back any Metti Bank you lost after the60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the MettiBank if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or ahospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.

You should regularly log into your account andreview your transaction history to ensure that there has not been anUnauthorized Transaction or Other Error. Company will also send an email to theprimary email address on file in order to notify you of each transaction fromyour account. You should review these emails to ensure that each transactionwas authorized and is accurate.

For Unauthorized Transactions or Other Errors inyour account, notify us as follows:

  1. By writing to us through https://help.Metti Bank.com     under the “Contact Us” tab; or
  2. By emailing us at support@Metti BankLiquidCash.com;     or
  3. By writing to Metti Bank, LLC., Attn: Metti Bank Error     Resolution Department, 6000 Live Oak Parkway, Suite 116 Norcross GA 30093;     or
  4. Telephone     Metti Bank Customer Service at 1 (855) 865-6821.

When you notify us, provide us with all of thefollowing information:

  1. Your name, and the email address and phone number     registered to your account;
  2. A description of any suspected Unauthorized Transaction  or Other Error and an explanation of why you believe it is incorrect or     why you need more information to identify the transaction; and
  3. The dollar amount of any suspected Unauthorized Transaction or Other Error.

If you notify us orally, we may require that yousend us written confirmation within 10 Business Days. During the course of ourinvestigation, we may request additional information from you.

  1. Company  Actions After Receipt of your Notification

Once you notify us of any suspected UnauthorizedTransaction or Other Error, or we otherwise learn of one, we will do thefollowing:

  1. We will conduct an investigation to determine whether     there has been an Unauthorized Transaction or Other Error that is eligible     for protection.
  2. We     will complete our investigation within 10 Business Days of the date we     received your notification of the suspected Unauthorized Transaction or     Other Error. If your account is new (the first transaction from your     account was less than 30 Business Days from the date you notify us), we     may take up to 20 Business Days to complete this investigation. If we need     more time, we may take up to 45 days to complete our investigation (or up     to 90 days for new accounts).

If we decide that we need more time to completeour investigation, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount ofthe suspected Unauthorized Transaction or Other Error. You will receive theprovisional credit within 10 Business Days of the date we received your notice(or 20 Business Days for new accounts). This will allow you to have use of the MettiBank until we complete the investigation. We will notify you of the provisionalcredit within 2 Business Days of the crediting. If we ask you to providewritten confirmation and we do not receive it within 10 Business Days (or 20Business Days for new accounts), we will not provisionally credit your account.

  1. We     will inform you of our decision within 3 Business Days after completing     our investigation. If we determine that there was an error, we will     promptly credit the full amount of the error into your account within 1     Business Day of our determination. Or, if you have already received a     provisional credit, you will be allowed to retain those amounts.

If we decide that there was not an UnauthorizedTransaction or Other Error, we will include an explanation of our decision inour email or other communications to you. If you received a provisional credit,after giving you 5 Business Days advance notice of the date and amount of thedebit, we will remove it from your account. You may request copies of thedocuments that we used in our investigation.

  1. Processing     Errors

We will rectify any processing error that wediscover. If the error results in your receipt of less than the correct amountto which you are entitled, Company will credit your account for the difference.If the error results in your receipt of more than the correct amount to whichyou are entitled, Company will debit the extra funds from your account. If theerror resulted in our not completing a transaction on time or in the correctamount, we will be liable for your losses or damages directly caused by thisfailure, unless: (a) through no fault of ours, you did not have enoughavailable funds to complete the transaction, (b) our system was not workingproperly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transaction, or(c) circumstances beyond our control (such as fire, flood or loss of Internetconnection) prevented the transaction, despite our reasonable precautions.

  1. Restricted     Activities

In connection with your use of our website, youraccount, or the Metti Bank Services, or in the course of your interactions withCompany, a user or a third party, you will not:

  • breach this Agreement, the card processing Agreement,     or any other Agreement that you have entered into with Company (including     a policy);
  • violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation (for     example, those governing financial services, consumer protections, unfair     competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising);
  • infringe Company’s or any third party’s copyright,     patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or     rights of publicity or privacy;
  • act in a manner that is defamatory, trade libelous,     unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;
  • provide false, inaccurate or misleading Personal     Information;
  • create more than one Metti Bank account for yourself,     through, among other methods, using a name that is not yours, using     temporary email address(es) or phone number(s), or providing any other     falsified Personal Information;
  • send or receive what we reasonably believe to be     potentially fraudulent funds;
  • refuse to cooperate in an investigation or provide     confirmation of your identity or any Personal Information you provide to     us;
  • attempt to double dip during the course of a dispute by     receiving or attempting to receive funds from both Company and the     recipient of funds, bank, or credit card issuer for the same transaction;
  • use an anonymizing proxy;
  • control an account that is linked to another account     that has engaged in any of these restricted activities;
  • control or possess more than one account without     authorization from Company;
  • conduct your business or use the services in a manner     that results in or may result in complaints, disputes, claims, reversals,     chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties and other liability to Company, a     user, a third party or you;
  • use the Service to make transactions for the purpose of     earning rewards, perks, miles, points, etc. with your credit card, debit     card, or bank account;
  • have a credit score from a credit reporting agency that     indicates a high level of risk associated with your use of the services;
  • use your account or the services in a manner that     Company, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover reasonably believe     to be an abuse of the credit card system or a violation of credit card     association rules;
  • allow your Metti Bank account to have a negative     balance; provide yourself a cash advance from your credit card (or help     others to do so);
  • disclose or distribute another Metti Bank user’s     Personal Information to a third party, or use the information for     marketing purposes unless you receive the user’s express consent to do so;
  • send unsolicited email to a user or use the services to     collect payments for sending, or assisting in sending, unsolicited email     to third parties;
  • take any action that imposes an unreasonable or     disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
  • facilitate any viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other     computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere     with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or     information;
  • use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or     manual process to monitor or copy our website without our prior written     permission;
  • use any device, software or routine to bypass our robot     exclusion headers, or interfere or attempt to interfere, with our website     or the services;
  • take any action that may cause us to lose any of the     services from our internet service providers, payment processors, or other     suppliers;
  • use     the Metti Bank Service to test credit card behaviors.
  1. Acceptable     Use

You agree you will not use the Metti BankServices to violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation relating tosales of:

  • counterfeit goods;
  • narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances or     other products that present a risk to consumer safety;
  • drug paraphernalia;
  • items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct     others to engage in illegal activity;
  • items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance,     or the financial exploitation of a crime;
  • items that are considered obscene;
  • items that infringe or violate any copyright,     trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right     under the laws of any jurisdiction;
  • certain sexually oriented materials or services;
  • ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or     accessories; or
  • certain     weapons or knives regulated under applicable law;

Relating to transactions that:

  • show the personal information of third parties in     violation of applicable law;
  • support pyramid or ponzi schemes, matrix programs,     other “get rich quick” schemes or certain multi-level marketing programs;
  • are associated with purchases of annuities or lottery     contracts, lay-away systems, off-shore banking or transactions to finance     or refinance debts funded by a credit card;
  • are for the sale of certain items before the seller has     control or possession of the item;
  • are by payment processors to collect payments on behalf     of merchants;
  • are associated with the sale of traveler’s checks or Metti     Bankorders;
  • involve code/credits exchanges or check cashing     businesses or digital currencies such as bitcoins;
  • provide certain credit repair or debt settlement     services involve the sales of products or services identified by government     agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent;
  • are     otherwise related to illegal activity, gambling, pornography, obscene     material or otherwise objectionable content or activities

Violating applicable laws or industryregulations regarding the sale of:

  • tobacco products;
  • prescription drugs and devices involve gambling, gaming     and/or any other activity with an entry fee and a prize, including, but     not limited to casino games, sports betting, horse or greyhound racing,     lottery tickets, other ventures that facilitate gambling, games of skill     (whether or not it is legally defined as a lottery) and sweepstakes unless     the operator has obtained prior approval from Company and the operator and     customers are located exclusively in jurisdictions where such activities     are permitted by law; or
  • provide     certain credit repair or debt settlement services involve the sales of     products or services identified by government agencies to have a high     likelihood of being fraudulent.
  1. Legal     Compliance

You are solely responsible for ensuring thatyour use of the Metti Bank Services is in conformance with applicable federal,state and local laws and regulations. By using the Metti Bank Services, you warrantand represent that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to aU.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government asa “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S.Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

  1. Your     Liability – Actions We May Take

You are solely responsible for ensuring thatyour use of the Metti Bank Services is in conformance with applicable federal,state and local laws and regulations. By using the Metti Bank Services, youwarrant and represent that (i) you are not located in a country that is subjectto a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S.Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed onany U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

  1. Your     Liability

You are responsible for all reversals,chargebacks, claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability incurred byCompany, a Metti Bank user, or a third party caused by or arising out of yourbreach of this Agreement, and/or your use of the Metti Bank Services. You agreeto reimburse Company, a user, or a third party for any and all such liability.

You acknowledge that you are responsible for theaccuracy of all payments sent using the Metti Bank Services, including but notlimited to the accuracy of the amount paid and the recipient. Company shall notbe responsible or in any way held liable due to inaccurate payments, includingbut not limited to sending an incorrect amount of Metti Bankor sending MettiBankto an incorrect recipient.

  1. Actions     by Company

If we have reason to believe that you haveengaged in any restricted activities, made excessive or unexplainabletransactions, violated any parts of this Agreement or provided any incorrectinformation, we may take various actions to protect Company, another Metti Bankuser, a third party, or you from reversals, chargebacks, claims, fees, fines,penalties and any other liability. The actions we may take include but are notlimited to the following:

  • We may close, suspend, or limit your access to your     account or the Metti Bank Services (such as limiting access to any of your     funding sources, and your ability to send money, make withdrawals, or     remove financial information);
  • we may contact users who have sent you money, contact     your bank or credit card issuer, and warn other users, law enforcement, or     impacted third parties of your actions;
  • may update inaccurate information you provided us;
  • we may refuse to provide our Metti Bank Services to you     in the future;
  • we may hold your funds for up to 180 days if reasonably     needed to protect against the risk of liability; and
  • we     may take legal action against you.

Company, in its sole discretion, reserves theright to terminate this Agreement, access to its website, or access to theService for any reason and at any time upon notice to you and payment to you ofany unrestricted funds held in custody for you.

  1. Account     Closure, Termination of Service, or Limited Account Access

If we limit or close your account or terminateyour use of our Services for any reason, you may contact us and requestrestoration of access if appropriate. However, if we deem you violated thisAgreement, restoration is at our sole discretion.

You may stop using the Metti Bank Services atany time or may close your accounts by contacting us. Company, in its solediscretion, reserves the right to terminate the Metti Bank Services, toterminate this Agreement, or to terminate your access to the Metti BankServices for any reason and at any time. If we terminate or limit your use ofour Metti Bank Services for any reason, we will use commercially reasonableefforts to provide you with notice of our actions.

  1. Policy     Violation – User Fines

If Company incurs any damages because youviolate our policies, break any laws, or otherwise cause Company to suffer anydamages or incur any expenses then we may hold your funds up to 180 days, fineyou for each such violation and take legal action against you to recoveradditional losses, investigation costs, fines, or legal fees we may incur. Youacknowledge and agree that a fine of US $2,500.00 for violations of ourAgreement is presently a reasonable minimum estimate of Company’s damages,considering all currently existing circumstances, including the relationship ofthe sum to the range of harm to Company that reasonably could be anticipatedand the anticipation that proof of actual damages may be impractical orextremely difficult. Company may deduct such fines directly from any existingbalance in the offending account, or any other Metti Bank account you control.

  1. Disputes with Company
  2. Dispute     with Company

If a dispute arises between you and Company, ourgoal is to learn about and address your concerns and, if we are unable to do soto your satisfaction, to provide you with a neutral and cost effective means ofresolving the dispute quickly. Disputes between you and Company regarding ourservices may be reported by emailing us at the following emailaddress: support@Metti BankLiquidCash.com

  1. Law     and Forum for Disputes; Arbitration

This User Agreement shall be governed in allrespects by the laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflict oflaw provisions, except to the extent that federal law applies.

ANY CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF, RELATING TO, ORCONNECTED WITH THIS USER AGREEMENT MUST BE ASSERTED INDIVIDUALLY IN BINDINGARBITRATION CONDUCTED BY A SINGLE ARBITRATOR WITH EXPERIENCE IN CONSUMER ONLINEPAYMENT SERVICES DISPUTES ADMINISTERED BY THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION(“AAA”) IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION RULES AND THE AAASUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES FOR CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES. The forum forarbitration shall be in the city closest to your residence having a federaldistrict courthouse. The arbitrator shall not conduct any form of class orcollective arbitration nor join or consolidate claims by or for individuals. Tothe extent allowed by applicable law, the Arbitrator, and not any federal,state, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve anydispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability orformation of this User Agreement including, but not limited to, any claim thatall or any part of this User Agreement is void or voidable. Judgment on theaward rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competentjurisdiction. For any non-frivolous claim, Company will pay the costs of thearbitration (but not your attorney fees), up to $3,000.

This User Agreement and each of its partsevidence a transaction involving interstate commerce, and the United StatesArbitration Act shall apply in all cases and govern the interpretation andenforcement of the arbitration rules and arbitration proceedings.

There are only two exceptions to this agreementto arbitrate. First, if we reasonably believe that you have in any mannerviolated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights, we may seekinjunctive or other appropriate relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.Second, any claim of $500 or less may, at the option of the claiming party, beresolved in small claims court in New York City, New York, if the claim and theparties are within the jurisdiction of the small claims court. For these twoexceptions, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courtslocated within New York City, New York for the purpose of litigating suchclaims or disputes.

  1. Waiver     of Right to Jury; Class Action Waiver


  1. Liability     of Company for Failure to Complete Transfers

If Company does not complete a transfer to orfrom your account, or using your saved payment information, on time or in thecorrect amount according to this Agreement, Company will be liable for yourlosses or damages to the extent required by law. Company will not be liable:

  • If, through no fault of Company’s, you do not have     enough Metti Bank in your balance, and Company is unable to charge the     transaction to your linked credit card, for reasons including but not     limited to you exceeding any applicable credit limit;
  • the funds in your account are subject to legal process     or other encumbrance restricting their use;
  • If the Metti Bank Services were not working properly     and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer;
  • If the failure results from a failure of a financial     institution that issues the credit card or debit card linked to your     account, or Company is unable to access a linked credit card for any     reason other than due to Company’s fault;
  • If you provided inaccurate or incomplete information     regarding the transfer;
  • If     the transfer appears suspicious, fraudulent, or unauthorized, and Company     cannot confirm that it is a legitimate transfer, or if the account of     either user involved in the transfer is under investigation by Company or     if the transfer is or appears to be prohibited by any applicable law or     rules
  1. Disclaimers     of Warranty; Damages Exclusions

Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you assume all responsibilityfor your use of the Metti Bank Services and use them at your own risk. To thefullest extent permissible under applicable law, all such representations,warranties, guarantees and conditions are disclaimed, including, but notlimited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particularpurpose, title, non infringement of intellectual property rights, or otherterms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or in equity.Company does not warrant that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free,that defects will be corrected, or that the services, or the servers thatprocess information for the services, are free of viruses, bugs or otherharmful components. On behalf of Company, Covered Third Parties, and each ofour respective affiliates, vendors, agents and suppliers, Company makes thefollowing disclaimers set forth in this section: the Metti Bank Services areprovided on an “as is”, “as available” and “with all faults” basis,without any representations, warranties, guarantees, or conditions of any kind,express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty asto the use or operation of the services, or the information, content or othermaterials related to the services, whether provided by Company, any thirdparty, or any of the Covered Third Parties. Neither Company, nor any thirdparty, nor any of the Covered Third Parties warrant nor make anyrepresentations regarding the use or the results of the services in terms ofcorrectness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise. You assume theentire cost of all necessary maintenance, repair, or correction to anyequipment you use in accessing any of the services, including, but not limitedto, your mobile phone or other device.

COMPANY IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OFYOU CHOOSING TO SHARE ANY PAYMENT DETAILS ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR WITHIN THE METTIBANK SERVICES, AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD COMPANY HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY COMPANYFROM ANY LIABILITY arising from the actions or inactions of any external socialmedia network in connection with the permissions you grant to the externalsocial media network.

None of Company, any third party (including,without limitation, the Bank or Shift), or the Covered Third Parties, or any oftheir respective affiliates, vendors, agents or suppliers will be liable for,and you agree not to seek against any of the foregoing, any damages of any kindarising from the use of the services, including, but not limited to, indirect,special, incidental, punitive, exemplary, consequential damages or damagesresulting from the use of service, loss of use of the service, lost data, lostprofits, or business interruption arising out of or in any way connected withthe use of the services, any delays in the services, or the inability to usethe services, or any portion thereof, whether based on contract, tort,negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if all or any of us have beenadvised of the possibility of such damages and even if any remedy fails of itsessential purpose.

Company does not have any control over anyproducts or services that are paid for with our services and Company cannotensure that any party you are dealing with will actually complete thetransaction or is authorized to do so.

Company will make reasonable efforts to ensurethat requests for electronic debits and credits involving bank accounts, creditcards, and check issuances are processed in a timely manner but Company makesno representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed tocomplete processing because Company is dependent upon many factors outside ofour control, such as delays in the banking system or the U.S. or internationalmail service.


  1. Limitations     on Liability

Except as otherwise EXPRESSLY provided in thisagreement, and to the extent permissible under applicable law, Company’scumulative liability to you for any claims or damages arising out of or relatedto your use of the Metti Bank Services shall not exceed the greater of the feeyou paid to Company for the use of the Metti Bank Services or $1.00 USD.

These limitations on liability apply to:anything related to a service or any application or content made availablethrough any such service; and claims for breach of contract, breach ofwarranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tortto the extent permitted by applicable law. These limitations on liability alsoapply even if: repair, replacement or a refund for the service does not fullycompensate you for any losses; or Company, any third party (including, withoutlimitation, the Bank or Shift) or a Covered Third Party knew or should haveknown about the possibility of the damages.

These limitations on liability will apply to themaximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy fails of itsessential purpose.

Some states or other jurisdictions do not allowthe limitation of liability so the foregoing limitations may not apply to you.You may also have other rights that vary from state to state and jurisdictionto jurisdiction.

  1. License     Grant

Certain of the Services require the use ofsoftware and software applications provided to you by Company (collectively“Software”). Company and its licensors grant you a limited, nonexclusivelicense to use Company’s Software in the United States that we provide to yousolely in accordance with this Agreement and any user documentation we mayprovide, including all updates, upgrades, new versions and replacements of theSoftware (all of which become part of the “Software”) for your personal useonly in accordance with this Agreement. If the Software will be downloaded to amobile device, this license extends to your use of the Software on a devicethat you own or control, as long as your use is permitted by the usage rulesset forth for your particular device (for example, the Apple App Store Terms ofUse). You may not rent, lease or otherwise transfer your rights in the Softwareto a third party. You must comply with the implementation and use requirementsfor the Software contained in this Agreement or in any Metti Bank Servicesdocumentation we provide to you. If you do not comply with such implementationand use requirements, you will be liable for all resulting damages suffered byyou, Company or any third parties. You agree not to alter, reproduce, adapt,distribute, display, publish, reverse engineer, translate, disassemble,decompile or otherwise attempt to create any source code which is derived fromthe software. You acknowledge that all rights, title and interest to Company’ssoftware are owned by Company. Your rights to use the Software ceaseimmediately upon termination of this Agreement and you must delete all of yourcopies of the Software.

  1. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmlessCompany and its parent, affiliates, officers, directors and employees from anyclaim or demand (including any damages, losses, expenses and attorneys feesresulting from) made or incurred by any third party due to or arising out ofyour breach of this Agreement and/or your use of the Metti Bank Services.

  1. Assumption     of Rights

If Company makes a payment to you for a claim,reversal or chargeback that you file with us against a recipient of yourpayment, you agree that Company assumes your rights against the recipient andthird parties related to the payment, and may pursue those rights directly oron your behalf, in Company’s discretion.

  1. Release     of Company

If you have a dispute with one or more usersrelating to payment, Company is not responsible for any such dispute and youhereby release Company (and our officers, directors, agents, joint ventures andemployees) from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual andconsequential) of every kind and nature arising out of or in any way connectedwith such disputes.

  1. Modification     of Terms

We may amend this Agreement at any time byposting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effectiveat the time we post it unless it contains material changes. If we make changesto our Agreements with you that either reduce your rights or increase yourresponsibilities, we will provide 21 days notice to you before the changesbecome effective. By using the Metti Bank Services after a new Agreement hasbeen posted, you agree to the revised Agreement.

  1. Survival

In the event of termination of this Agreement orthe Metti Bank Services, the terms in this Agreement that by their nature arecontinuing shall survive such termination, including but not limited to thedisclaimers and limitations of liabilities.

  1. Force     Majeure

We shall not be liable for any delay or failurein the performance or in delivery or shipment of materials, or for any damagessuffered by you by reason of such delay or failures, directly or indirectlycaused by or in any manner arising from or connected with acts of God, acts ofpublic enemies, riots, strikes, acts of governmental agencies, labordifficulties, failure of our power, telecommunications or other suppliers,delays in securing or shortages of raw materials, breakdown or destruction ofany system or equipment, or any other cause or causes beyond our control,whether or not similar to those enumerated herein.

  1. Miscellaneous

This Agreement and other documents (includingbut not limited to the Privacy Policy) referenced in or linked to thisAgreement, which are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of thisAgreement by this reference, contain yours and our entire Agreement regardingyour use of the Metti Bank Services. If any provision of this Agreement isdeemed to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be enforced to theextent possible, and any remaining illegality or unenforceability will notaffect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of thisAgreement, which together will be construed as if such illegal or unenforceableprovision had not been included in this Agreement. Any legal action arising outof your use of the Metti Bank Services must be brought within one year afterthe cause of action has arisen. The section headings in this Agreement are forconvenience of reference only and are not to be considered as parts, provisionsor interpretations of this Agreement. You may not transfer or assign any rightsor obligations you have under this Agreement without Company’s prior writtenconsent. Company reserves the right to transfer or assign this Agreement or anyright or obligation under this Agreement at any time. Our failure to act withrespect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act withrespect to that breach or subsequent or similar breaches.

  1. Independent     Contractors

Independent Contractors. The parties agree theyare independent contractors to each other in performing their respectiveobligations hereunder. Nothing in this Agreement or in the working relationshipbeing established and developed hereunder shall be deemed or is intended to bedeemed, nor shall it cause, the parties to be treated as partners, jointventures, or otherwise as joint associates for profit.


If you have questions or concerns regarding this Agreement or your Metti Bank account, or any feedback that you would like us to consider, please email us at legal@mettibank.com. You may also write tous at Metti Bank, Legal Department, 9191 Bolsa Ave, Suite 211, Westminster, CA 92683, or call us at +1 (800) 927-4592.


Important; Metti Bank Notice:

Metti Bank, LLC. is a prepaid digital code/credits and allcash equivalent asset associated with your account in our network are held in aMaster Aggregated Deposit pooled account with our Bank. These digital cashassets are not eligible for individual insurance, including FDIC insurance andare not eligible for share insurance by the National Credit Union ShareInsurance Fund. Metti Bank, LLC. is the operator of a software platform thatinstantly converts fiat code/credits into digital code/credits asset andcommunicates user instructions to its peers, vendors and financialinstitutions. Please Note: The Metti Bank Master Aggregated Account is FDICinsured.


Privacy policy

LAST UPDATED Feb 11, 2024



Metti Bank, an Metti Bankservice, knows that you care about howyour personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacyseriously. Our primary goal is to provide you with exceptional service, and weunderstand that you may have questions or concerns regarding your personalinformation and how it will be used. To make this privacy policy easy to find,we make it available from the home page of the Metti Bank website atLiquidCash.com (the “website”) and through our mobile applications. You mayalso email us at Contact Us withany privacy-related questions you have.



This privacy policy applies to all information we collect throughour Services from current and former Metti Bank users, including you.“Services” means any products, services, content, features, technologies, orfunctions, and all related websites, applications and services offered to youby Metti Bank in connection with a Metti Bank account. When you are no longerour customer, we continue to share your information as described in thispolicy. This policy only applies to the Services and does not apply to thepractices of any other Metti Bank service.

Throughout this policy, we use the term “personal information” todescribe information that can be associated with a specific person and can beused to identify that person. We do not consider personal information toinclude information that has been aggregated and/or anonymized so that it doesnot identify a specific user.



When you visit the website or use one of our mobile applicationsor other Services, we collect your IP address, and standard web loginformation, such as your browser type and the pages you accessed on ourwebsite. We also may collect Geolocation Information (defined below). If you donot agree to our collection of this information, you may not be able to use ourService.

If you open a Metti Bank account, we collect the followinginformation from you:

Account Information – text-enabled cellular/wireless telephonenumber, machine or mobile device ID and other similar information.

Identification Information – your name, street address, emailaddress, date of birth, and SSN (or other governmental issued verificationnumbers).


Device Information – information about you: (a) from your mobiledevice or computer such as your device type, machine or mobile deviceidentification number, Geolocation Information, time zone, language setting,browser type, and IP address, and (b) from third parties for purposes oftransaction processing, identity verification, fraud detection or preventionand other similar purposes. For fraud prevention purposes, we also may linkyour machine ID with the machines of others who use your same payment cards.

Geolocation Information – information that identifies withreasonable specificity your location by using, for instance, longitude andlatitude coordinates obtained through GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell site triangulation.We will collect this data for fraud and risk purposes. In addition, some of ourServices may ask you for permission to share your current location within yourdevice settings to enhance our Services. If you do not agree to our collectionof Geolocation Information, our Services may not function properly when you tryto use them. For information about your ability to restrict the collection anduse of Geolocation Information to enhance our Services, please refer to thesettings available in your device.

Social Web Information – including but not limited to yourFacebook Connect credentials and email account information. If you authorizeFacebook Connect, the plug in allows us access to your email address, Facebookfriends list, and public profile (including profile picture). We also allow youto import data from other social web services, including but not limited toTwitter, FourSquare, and email service providers. Social and e-mail contactinformation helps you connect to friends and contacts for invitation andpayment transmission purposes (as well as helping us improve the Services andfight fraud). Additionally, another Metti Bank user may mention you in atransaction to which you are not a party by “tagging” your username in atransaction note or comment. When you are mentioned in a transaction note orcomment into which you have visibility (e.g., a public transaction, a “friendsonly” transaction by one of your Metti Bank friends, or a comment on eithersuch transaction), a link to your Metti Bank profile will appear in thetransaction note or comment and, if your push notifications are turned on, youwill receive a push notification about the mentions. You may manage certaincontact preferences and notifications in your account settings.

Financial Information – bank account online login information,bank account and routing numbers and credit cards linked to your Metti Bankaccount. Metti Bank does not share financial information with third partysocial networking services such as those listed in the prior bullet.

We are committed to providing a safe, secure and all around greatservice. Therefore, before permitting you to use the Services, we may requireadditional information from you we can use to verify your identity, address orother information or to manage risk and compliance throughout our relationship.We may also obtain information about you from third parties such as identityverification, fraud prevention and similar services.

When you are using the Services, we collect information about youraccount transactions and we may collect Geolocation Information and/orinformation about your computer or other access device for fraud prevention andother similar purposes.


Finally, we may collect additional information from or about youin other ways not specifically described here. For example, we may collectinformation related to your contact with our customer support team or storeresults when you respond to a survey.



The Services are not directed to children under the age of 13. Ifwe obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal information from achild under the age of 13, we will promptly delete it, unless we are legallyobligated to retain such data. Contact us if you believe that we havemistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the ageof 13.



When you visit or use our Services, or visit a third-party websitefor which we provide online services, we and certain business partners andvendors may use cookies and other tracking technologies (collectively,“Cookies”). We use Cookies to recognize you as a customer; customize Services,other content and advertising; measure the effectiveness of promotions; performa wide range of analytics; mitigate risk and prevent potential fraud; and topromote trust and safety across our Services.

Certain Services are only available through the use of Cookies, soif you choose to disable or decline Cookies, your use of certain Services maybe limited or not possible.

Do Not Track: Do Not Track (“DNT”) is an optional browser settingthat allows you to express your preferences regarding tracking by advertisersand other third-parties. We do not respond to DNT signals.



We store and process your personal information using third partyservers located in data centers in the United States. This information isprotected by physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in compliance withapplicable US federal and state regulations. We also use computer safeguardssuch as firewalls and data encryption, we enforce physical access controls toour office and files, and we authorize access to personal information only forthose employees who require it to fulfill their job responsibilities.

We strive to ensure security on our systems. Despite our efforts,we cannot guarantee that personal information may not be accessed, disclosed,altered or destroyed by breach of our administrative, managerial and technicalsafeguards. Therefore, we urge you to take adequate precautions to protect yourpersonal data as well, including never sharing your Metti Bank password withanyone.

If Metti Bank learns of a systems security breach, we may attemptto notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps.By using the Services, you agree that Metti Bank may communicate with youelectronically. Metti Bank may post a notice on the website or mobileapplication if a security breach occurs. We may also send an email to you atthe email address you have provided to us. Depending on where you live, you mayhave a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing. Toreceive free written notice of a security breach (or to withdraw your consentfrom receiving electronic notice of a security breach), please email us here.



Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is toprovide you with a safe, smooth, efficient, fun and customized experience. Wemay use your personal information to:

provide the services and customer support you request; processtransactions and send notices about your transactions or your network activity;resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;

prevent potentially fraudulent, prohibited or illegal activities,and enforce our User Agreement through the use of our risk and fraud toolswhich may include use of Account Information, Identification Information,Financial Information, Device Information, Social Web Information andGeolocation Information;

create an account connection between your Metti Bank account and athird-party account or platform; customize, personalize, measure, and improveour services and the content and layout of our website; send you updates aboutnew products and services that we are offering to customers; compareinformation for accuracy and verify it with third parties; perform other dutiesas required by law; and if you elect to share your Geolocation Information, wewill use this information to enhance the security of the Services and we mayuse this information to provide you with location-specific options,functionality, offers, advertising, search results, or other location-specificcontent.



To process payments on Metti Bank, we need to share some of yourpersonal information with the person or company that you are paying or ispaying you. Your contact information, date of sign-up, the number of paymentsyou have received and other verification metrics like social graph activity maybe provided to users or companies when you transact with, on, or through MettiBank.

We work with vendors to enable them to accept payments from youusing Metti Bank. In doing so, a vendor may share information about you withus, such as your mobile phone number or Metti Bank username, when you attemptto pay that vendor. We use this information to confirm to that vendor that youare a Metti Bank customer and that the vendor should enable Metti Bank as aform of payment for your purchase.

Regardless, we will not disclose your credit card number or bankaccount number to anyone you have paid or who has paid you through Metti Bank,except with your express permission or if we are required to do so to complywith a subpoena or other legal process.




Metti Bank does not share your personal information with thirdparties for their promotional or marketing purposes.

Some personal information is public information and may be seen byanyone on the internet, whether or not they have a Metti Bank account. Publicinformation may also be seen, accessed, reshared or downloaded through MettiBank’s APIs or third-party services that integrate with our products.

Public information for personal profiles includes your Metti Bankusername, profile photo, first and last name, month and year of Metti Bankaccount creation, and public transactions in which you’ve been involved.

Public information for business profiles includes Metti Bankusername, profile and background photos, business name, business description,and QR code. Public information for business profiles may be indexed by andsearchable on search engines.

In addition to any public information, your Metti Bank friendslist may be seen by any logged-in Metti Bank user; you may adjust or turn offthis setting in the privacy section in your account settings.

We may share your personal information with:

Our parent company, Metti Bank and affiliates and subsidiaries itcontrols, but only for purposes allowed by this document.

Companies that Metti Bank plans to merge with or be acquired byor, in the event of any bankruptcy, a bankruptcy estate. Should such acombination occur, we will require that the new combined entity follow thisprivacy policy with respect to your personal information. If your personalinformation could be used contrary to this policy, you will receive priornotice and the opportunity to communicate preferences you may have, ifapplicable.

Law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties if MettiBankis compelled to do so by a subpoena, court order or similar legalprocedure, when it is necessary to do so to comply with law, or where thedisclosure of personal information is reasonably necessary to prevent physicalharm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity, or to investigateviolations of the Metti Bank User Agreement, or as otherwise required by law.

Third party service providers who assist us in providing servicesto you or who provide fraud detection or similar services on our or anyvendor’s behalf.

The other Metti Bank user participating in the transaction and,depending on the privacy setting of each Metti Bank account transaction, your MettiBank friends and the Metti Bank friends of the other user participating in thetransaction, or the public, through the Metti Bank feed on our website andmobile application and elsewhere on the internet.

Service providers under contract who help with parts of ourbusiness operations (for example, fraud prevention, payment processing, ortechnology services). Our contracts dictate that these service providers onlyuse your information in connection with the services they perform for us andnot for their own benefit.


Other third parties with your consent or at your direction to doso, including if you authorize an account connection with a third-party accountor platform.

For the purposes of this privacy policy, an “account connection”with such a third party is a connection you authorize or enable between your MettiBank account and a non-Metti Bank account, payment instrument, or platform thatyou lawfully control or own. When you authorize such a connection, Metti Bankand the third-party will exchange your personal information and otherinformation directly. Examples of account connections include, withoutlimitation: linking your Metti Bank account to a social media account or socialmessaging service; connecting your Metti Bank account to a third-party dataaggregation or financial services company, if you provide such company withyour Metti Bank account log-in credentials; or using your Metti Bank account tomake payments to a merchant or allowing a merchant to charge your Metti Bankaccount.

If you connect your Metti Bank account to other financialaccounts, directly or through a third-party service provider, we may haveaccess to your account balance and account and transactional information, suchas purchases and funds transfers. If you choose to create an accountconnection, we may receive information from the third-party about you and youruse of the third-party’s service. For example, if you connect your Metti Bankaccount to a social media account, we will receive personal information fromthe social media provider via the account connection. We will use all suchinformation that we receive from a third-party via an account connection in amanner consistent with this privacy policy.

Information that we share with a third-party based on an accountconnection will be used and disclosed in accordance with the third-party’sprivacy practices. Before authorizing an account connection, you should reviewthe privacy notice of any third-party that will gain access to your personalinformation as part of the account connection. For example, personalinformation that Metti Bank shares with a third-party account or platform suchas a social media account may in turn be shared with certain other parties,including the general public, depending on the account’s or platform’s privacypractices.

If you choose to use Siri or iMessage to send payments via MettiBank or to otherwise use the Services, such use is subject to Apple’s terms andconditions for use of iMessage and/or Siri, as applicable, and the terms of theMetti Bank User Agreement. By using Siri or iMessage, you authorize us to sharesome of your Metti Bank account data (including your friends list, list ofpersons you have transacted with most recently and most frequently, transactioninstructions, and transaction notes) with Apple to allow it to facilitatetransaction requests made through Siri or iMessage on iOS. Data shared withApple will be used pursuant to Apple’s then-current user agreements and privacypolicies. You can grant or revoke Apple’s access to Metti Bank on iOS at anytime under the “Siri” or “iMessage” settings on your iPhone.

Metti Bank does not send your personal information to third-partysocial networks unless you have specifically requested or authorized us to doso. When you broadcast information to such third-party social networks, suchinformation is no longer under the control of Metti Bank and is subject to theterms of use and privacy policies of such third parties.



You can review and update your personal information in youraccount settings at any time by logging in to your account.


The Services may contain links to (or allow you to link to) otherthird-party services or websites. Metti Bank does not control the informationcollection of third-party services or websites that can be reached through suchlinks. We encourage our users to be aware when they are linking to athird-party service or website and to read the privacy statements of anythird-party service or website that collects personally identifiable information.



Metti Bank is always improving. As the Services evolve we mayoccasionally update this privacy policy. If we modify this privacy policy, wewill post the revised privacy policy to the website, and we will also revisethe “last updated date” stated above. If we make material changes in the way weuse personal information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on ourmobile application or website or by sending you an e-mail. It is yourresponsibility to periodically review this privacy policy; users are bound byany changes to the privacy policy by using the Services after such changes havebeen first posted.



If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy,or any feedback pertaining to your privacy and the Services that you would likeus to consider, please email us here.

Consumer Privacy Notice

Metti Bank is a service provided by Metti Bank (“Metti Bank”)



What does Metti Bank do with your personal information?



Financial companies choose how they share your personalinformation. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not allsharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, andprotect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully tounderstand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depend onthe product or service you have with us. This information can include:

Social Security number and account balances

Payment history or transaction history

Credit history or credit scores

When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share yourinformation as described in this notice.



All financial companies need to share customers’ personalinformation to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list thereasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information;the reasons Metti Bank chooses to share; and whether you can limit thissharing.

Reasons we can share your personal information

Does Metti Bank share? Yes

Can you limit this sharing? Yes

For our everyday business purposes—

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s),respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus

For our marketing purposes— No

to offer our products and services to you – Yes

For joint marketing with other financial companies – No

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— Yes

information about your transactions and experiences – No


California Consumer Privacy Act Notice

In this notice, we are addressing specific disclosure requirementsunder the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 for California residents.This notice should be read together with Metti Bank’s Privacy Policy andapplies to all California residents who visit our Sites or use the Services.

Personal Information Collection and Purposes of Use

We collect, use and share personal information regardingCalifornia residents as described in this notice. We did not sell anyconsumers’ personal information in the preceding 12 months.


California Residents’ Privacy Rights

California residents have rights to request access to certainpersonal information collected about them over the past 12 months, or deletionof their personal information, subject to certain exceptions, and may not bediscriminated against because they exercise any of their rights under theCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act. We may require you to provide additionalpersonal information to verify your identity before we process your request; wemay not process your request if we are unable to verify your identity. You maycontact us by clicking here.  Learnmore about how we have handled your Privacy Rights.